Sunday, January 26, 2020

Modified Insertion Sort Algorithm: Binary Search Technique

Modified Insertion Sort Algorithm: Binary Search Technique Modified Insertion Sort Algorithm with Binary Search Technique: Application to Ranking of Images Retrieved by CBIR M. K. I. Rahmani M. A. Ansari Abstract—Due to the abundance of the high quality digital images in image repositories of very huge size on the ever growing Internet by enterprise houses, research institutions, medical healthcare organizations and academic institutions etc., finding a set of useful images from those image repositories with better precision and recall is a difficult task. Content Based Image Retrieval is a very efficient technology for retrieval of digital images from those databases. The process of image retrieval through CBIR has various phases like: Image segmentation, Feature extraction, Indexing, Clustering, Image matching through similarity measurement and Ranking of retrieved images through ordering them according to similarity value. The performance of a Content Based Image Retrieval system can be improved by improving the performance of some or all of these phases through designing better algorithms. Ranking of the Image data is very important to display the desired images to the in tended users. Images are retrieved according to the matching criteria was involved in the retrieval process. Retrieved images are ordered before they are displayed. For this ranking of the retrieved images are obtained through some easy and efficient sorting algorithm. Insertion sort is one of such algorithms but it is slow because of sequential search technique used to find the actual position of the next key element into the sorted portion of data. In this paper we have modified the insertion sort algorithm by using a novel technique of using binary search mechanism for finding the sorted location of the next key item into the previously sorted portion of the data quicker than conventional insertion sort algorithm. Performance on running time of the new algorithm has been compared with those of other conventional sorting algorithms. The results obtained on image matching parameter show that the new algorithm is better in performance than the conventional insertion sort and merge s ort algorithms. Performance of this algorithm is comparable to that of quick sort. Consequently, the new algorithm will improve the overall performance of Content Based Image Retrieval systems. Index Terms—Algorithm, Binary search, Sequential search, Insertion sort, Rahmani sort, Ranking, Image Ranking I. INTRODUCTION Many improvements have been introduced in searching and sorting algorithms during the last decade. Sorting is the process of arranging the elements in some ordered sequence which can be either in ascending, descending or lexicographic order [1]. Searching is the technique of finding the location of a key element or item in a database or a file. It is estimated that more than 25% of all computing time is spent on sorting the keys and some installations spending more than 50% of their computing time in sorting files [2]. As a matter of fact there has been done much research on the topic of sorting searching [3]. But there is not a single sorting technique which can be considered the best among the rest [2]. Bubble sort, selection sort and exchange sort are applicable for small input size, insertion sort for medium input size whereas quick sort, merge sort and heap sort are applicable for an application expecting large to huge data size [4, 5, 6]. All of the above sorting algorithms are comparison based algorithms and hence can be no faster than O(nlog2n) [5, 6], where O and n have their usual meanings. In this paper a new enhanced sorting algorithm has been introduced which shows more efficiency than the insertion sort and other sorting algorithms like bubble sort, quick sort and merge sort. The technique used for the enhancement in insertion sort is application of improved binary search, adapted from binary search, through which the location of the next element to be placed in the sorted left sub array can be found more quickly than the conventional sequential search used to find that location. The entire paper is organised in the following manner. In section II, the step by step method of the insertion sort is explained after some background work related to sorting technique. The other sorting algorithms like merge sort and quick sort are explained in section III. The new sorting algorithm, Rahmani sort is introduced and discussed in section IV. The analysis of Rahmani sort is done in section V. Results and comparison of performance of various sorting algorithms have been discussed in tabular forms in section VI along with the graphical description of the performance of various sorting algorithms. Finally the conclusions have been drawn and future scope of the research is mentioned in the section VII. Sorting Sorting is a process of arranging the available data items into an ordered sequence. The known ordered sequences have been increasing order, decreasing order, non-increasing order, non-decreasing order and lexicographic order. The process of sorting is applied to a collection of items prior to any such operation which may consume more time and/or space if applied without prior sorting. Definition of Sorting Formally a sorting technique can be defined based on partial order relation. The definition of partial order is given as below. Definition 1. Let R be a relation on a set S. For a, b, c à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ S, if R is: a) Reflexive, i.e. aRa for every a à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ S; b) Transitive, i.e. aRb ∠§ bRc ⇒ aRc; and c) Antisymmetric, i.e. aRb ∠§ bRa ⇒ a = b, then, R is a partial order on set S. Sorting is generally defined as an arrangement of a list of randomly input data by their key or themselves into a partial order R, where R implies ≠¤ particularly. Definition 2. For N elements a(1), a(2), , a(N) à Ã¢â‚¬Å¾ S, sorting is a rearrangement of the elements in order to obtain a partial order a(si) R a(si+1) for ∀si, 1 ≠¤ si a(s1) ≠¤ a(s2) ≠¤ , , ≠¤ a(si) ≠¤ , , ≠¤ a(sN) Importance of sorting in computation There are two direct applications of sorting: first as an aid for searching and second as a tool to match entries in files. Broad areas of application of sorting fall in the solution of many other more complex problems, from database systems, networking, MIS, operations research and optimization problems. Sorting algorithm is one of the most fundamental techniques in computer science because of the following reasons. First, it is the basis of many other algorithms such as searching, pattern matching, information retrieval, knowledge based systems, digital filters, database systems, data statistics and processing, data warehousing, and data communications [1]. Second, it plays an important role in the teaching of design and analysis of algorithms, programming methodology, data structures and programming. Furthermore, it is a very challenging problem which has been widely and thoroughly studied [19-24]; the performance is dramatically improved [25-30] and considered the lower-bound of complexity has been reached [19, 20, 29, 30]. It is estimated that over 25% of all computing time is spent on sorting with some installations spending more than 50% of their computing time in sorting files. Consequently, study of sorting algorithms has great importance in the field of computing. A good knack of comprehension of the theoretical intricacies involved in the design and analysis of the underlying sorting algorithm is very much expected of a person who needs to implement the algorithm in real life applications. A Need of Sorting Algorithm with Reduced Complexity Unfortunately, there is no any single sorting technique which may be called the best among the rest. Bubble sort, insertion sort, selection sort and exchange sort are applicable for input data of small to medium size whereas quick sort, merge sort and heap sort are applicable for an application expecting large to huge data size. These sorting algorithms are caparison based and hence can be no faster than O (n log n). There are a few algorithms claiming to run in linear time but for specialized case of input data. So, there is an urgent need of a new sorting algorithm which may be implemented for all input data and it may also beat the lower bound (O (n log n)) of the problem of sorting. This work is an effort in that direction. What is a sorting algorithm? Sorting is a process of arranging the available data items into an ordered sequence. A sorting algorithm is a set of steps arranged in a particular sequence that puts the available data items into a certain order. The well-known ordered sequences have been increasing order, decreasing order, non-increasing order, non-decreasing order and lexicographic order. An efficient sorting mechanism is important to optimizing the design of other algorithms that require sorted data items to work correctly. Well-known ordered sequences Let r1, r2, r3, †¦ rn, be n number of input data items. Then any one of the following conditions must be satisfied for the input data items to be in a sorted sequence. Increasing order: For all 1 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ i à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ n, ri à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¼ ri+1. Decreasing order: For all 1 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ i à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ n, ri à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¾ ri+1. Non-decreasing order: For all 1 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ i à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ n, ri à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ ri+1. Non-increasing order: For all 1 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ i à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ £ n, ri à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ³ ri+1. Lexicographic order: This is the order in which all the words of the English language are arranged in a dictionary. II. Background Work A. Basic Concepts Sorting [1] is a process of rearranging the available data items into an ordered sequence. An ordered sequence can be any one of the known ordered sequences: increasing order, decreasing order, non-increasing order, non-decreasing order or lexicographic order [2]. A sorting algorithm is a set of steps arranged in a particular sequence that puts the available data items into a certain order. An efficient sorting technique is important to optimize the design of other algorithms that would need sorted key items to work properly and efficiently. For an application, a sorting algorithm is selected according to its computational complexity and ease of implementation. For a typical sorting algorithm ideal behavior is O(n), good behavior is O(n logn) and bad behavior is O(n ²) [1, 2]. The lower bound of time complexity of sorting algorithms using only comparison operation keys is O(n logn) [5, 6]. A sorting algorithm is easier to implement if its number of passes and the number of comparisons along with the actual number of swaps required to be performed can be easily predicted. Efficiency of the algorithm can be improved whenever it becomes possible to reduce the number of comparisons along with the actual number of swaps required to be performed. B. Classical Insertion Sort Algorithm This approach is based on the natural technique of sorting in day to day life by the human beings. Insertion sort is the simple sorting algorithm used in computation for the medium size data items or files. In the classical insertion sort approach the sorting of array elements is performed by inserting each element into its proper position in the previously sorted array. Insertion sort is considered to be faster than bubble sort and selection sort. It is very suitable algorithm for implementation using linked lists though its array implementation is more popular. C. The procedure The array is considered to be logically partitioned into two parts namely the first part and the second part. The first logical part has to be remained sorted always. Initially the first part is having only one element which is the first element of the input array and the second part comprises the rest of the input array. In the beginning, first part is automatically sorted because a single element is sorted by the definition of sorting. In each pass of the algorithm, the first element of the second part is separated from it before it is inserted into the first part’s proper position so that after its insertion the first part remains sorted. Before the start of the last pass of insertion sort, there is only one element remaining in the second part of the array, which is inserted into a proper position of the first part of the array and then the algorithm terminates. Shifting of elements may be required before we insert the current element in its sorted position. Shift operatio ns cost the most in array implementation of insertion sort. A formal description of Insertion sort algorithm InsertionSort (a, n) ‘a’ is an array of size ‘n’ starting at position 1; elements of ‘a’ will be sorted on termination. 1 for j ↠ 2 to n do 2 key ↠ a[j] 3 i ↠ j 1 4 while i > 0 and a[i] > key do 5 a[i+1] ↠ a[i] 6 i ↠ i-1 7 a[i+1] ↠ key Time complexity of Insertion sort is O(n2) and space complexity is O(n). Performance of insertion sort can be improved by quickly finding the location of an element and then by minimizing the number of shift operations required to be performed in its each iteration. Working of Insertion Sort algorithm Fig. 1 The operation of Insertion Sort on the array A = (14, 8, 20, 4, 6, 1) III. Other Sorting Techniques A. Merge Sort Merge sort is based on divide and conquer paradigm. The elements which are to be sorted are collected into an array. This array is divided into two sub arrays of almost equal sizes in top-down manner. Each one of the two sub arrays are again divided into their two constituent sub arrays of almost equal sizes respectively. This division process of the newly formed sub arrays will continue unless their size becomes unity. At size of unity, first of all, the sub array cannot be further divided and secondly the single element in the sub array is sorted, by the definition of sorting. After the last stage of division process, when all newly formed sub arrays are of unit size, the merging of the relevant unsorted sub arrays starts taking place in bottom-up manner with a view to form a sorted sub array (which was previously unsorted) for the next stage. The process of merging continues in the same manner unless the original array gets sorted. While division is a trivial job, the algorithm has to do the most critical job while merging the unsorted sub arrays into a sorted one. Time complexity of the Merge sort algorithm is ÃŽËœ(n logn) which is optimal. The major benefit of Merge sort is its stability and ease of implementation. The drawback associated with this algorithm is additional space requirement of ÃŽËœ(n) for the auxiliary array. B. Quick Sort Quick sort is also based on divide and conquer principle. Quick sort works by partitioning a given array A[p . . r] into two sub arrays A[p . . q] and A[q+1 . . r] such that every key in A[p . . q] is less than or equal to every key in A[q+1 . . r]. Then the two sub arrays are sorted through recursive calls to Quick sort. The exact position of the partition depends on the given array and index ‘q’ is computed as a part of the partitioning process. The main advantages of Quick sort is that it only uses an auxiliary stack and requires only n logn time to sort n items. The drawback associated with this algorithm is that it requires quadratic (i.e. n2) times in worst case. In this case, the situation can be simply overlooked by mistake and hence may cause serious problems. IV. Rahmani Sort Algorithm A. The Concept In the classical insertion sort, we place the first element from the second logical sub array into a proper position of the previously sorted first logical sub array. But while finding the proper position of the element to be inserted, in the left sub array, a simple linear search approach is used which has a time complexity of O(n). Even this linear time complexity of searching the proper location of the element to be inserted may be quite considerable. That is why insertion sort is not a suitable sorting algorithm for sorting large number of elements. So, by improving the search procedure adopted in insertion sort algorithm, somehow or the other, the performance of insertion sort can be improved. The proposed new sorting algorithm called Rahmani sort algorithm is based on the new concept of inserting the first element of unsorted sub array into the sorted position of the sorted sub array. The classical Insertion sort takes O(n2) time. Rahmani sort algorithm is enhancement of Insertion sort by decreasing the time of finding the position of the new element in the sorted sub array. In the following sub section the differences between the Insertion sort and the Rahmani sort are being discussed. B. The Procedure The procedure of Rahmani sort for arranging the input array in ascending order is being describes as below: C. The Algorithm Rahmani Sort is comprising of two sub algorithms, one is RahmaniSort(a, n) and another one is iBinary(a, lower, upper, mid). Here, a = Array of key items to be sorted. n = Total number of elements in the array ‘a’. lower = Lower index of the array ‘a’. upper = Upper index of the array ‘a’. mid = Middle index of the array ‘a’. Algorithm for Rahmani Sort RahmaniSort(a, n) 1 for i ↠ 2 to n do 2 temp ↠ a[i] 3 j ↠ iBinary(a, 0, i – 1, temp) 4 while i > j do 5 a[i] ↠ a[i – 1] 6 i ↠ i – 1 7 a[j] ↠ temp 8 return In the above algorithm, the element would be inserted in its proper position in the left sub array after shifting the rest of the array to the right side by one position. The iBinarySearch algorithm below above is used for finding the position of the largest element which is less than the key element stored in ‘temp’. After finding this position, each element of the sub array from this position onwards will be shifted to the right by one position. The shifting will start from the right hand side. Algorithm for Improved Binary Search iBinary(a, lower, upper, temp) 1 flag ↠ 0 2 loc ↠ 0 3 mid ↠ (lower + upper)/2 4 repeat while lower 5 mid ↠ (lower + upper)/2 6 if mid = a[mid] then 7 loc ↠ mid + 1 8 flag ↠1 9 if mid 10 upper ↠ mid – 1 11 else 12 lower ↠ mid + 1 13 if flag = 0 then 14 return lower 15 else 16 return loc à ¯Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ This paragraph of the first footnote will contain the date on which you submitted your paper for review. It will also contain support information, including sponsor and financial support acknowledgment. For example, â€Å"This work was supported in part by the U.S. Depart ­ment of Com ­merce under Grant BS123456†. The next few paragraphs should contain the authors’ current affiliations, including current address and e-mail. For example, F. A. Author is with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder, CO 80305 USA (e-mail: [emailprotected] S. B. Author, Jr., was with Rice University, Houston, TX 77005 USA. He is now with the Department of Physics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO 80523 USA (e-mail: [emailprotected]).

Saturday, January 18, 2020

The Master Gardener

English 1301 Week 3 The Descriptive Essay Gwendolyn Wiley The Master Gardener We arrive at First Christian Church and as we approach the large red doors, I began to reflect on the days, months, and years past. A man awaits us just past those huge red doors known as the world’s greatest gardener. As a child, I remember this building seeming so large with its tall beautiful painted windows similar to the ones you might find in a Roman Catholic Cathedral. The edifice and structure of the building covered with large dark red rocks that remind you of giraffe spots.I would visit often, as a child the air of the place seems sacred and holy. The building towers up as a grand ole castle of the days of old. On the side of this massive structure, lies a beautiful garden. When we enter, the huge archway there is a feeling that you are entering into the garden of God, filled with beautiful pink gardenias, fiery red roses, white lilies, and yellow daisies the lawn always freshly manicured w ith a look of a green sea that flows through the entire garden leaving you feeling tranquil about life.The dogwood trees would bloom each spring filling the air with sweet incense that the creator would seem to smile. They stretched forth as though they struggled to find their way to the sky almost like the twisted frame of the man that cared for them. This is Jimmy’s garden. Charles James Jackson aka Jimmy a small frame man with those big gray eyes and grand smile could bring light in the darkest of rooms. He gives bone-crushing hugs to all he met. He served as a custodian, caretaker, and trustee at First Christian Church.Jimmy dedicated over fifty years of service to this community. He polished with great care and attention to detail all the grand brass within the structure. He gave such care of the large brass bells, which he rang during each wedding, baby dedication and coming of age ceremony as though he gave his approval of each act. He would witness more than three gen eration of children from birth to marriage of this great congregation. He gave advice to each generation as though they were his own children showing that great smile ensuring each felt his love by giving a bone crushing hug.Jimmy a humped back man only because he stops to bend down to hug and pick up so many children. Everyone loves Jimmy Mr. Gilmore a lifelong friend of Jimmy’s says, â€Å"God has a master gardener now†. Jimmy’s garden is a landmark in Meridian Ms everyone knows where First Christian Church is because of this elaborate garden. As the first leaf of autumn falls so does Jimmy entering into the final resting place as a seed the way so many in which he planted.Jimmy Jackson my father passed away October 19, 2012. His little three room white house with a porch covered with flowers and plants left as a reminder of that spectacular gardener. During the funeral there were more than a dozen people stand and proclaim how Jimmy influenced their lives, ma ny would paint a portrait of him so vivid it seemed that an entirely different person was lying inside that cold gray casket. The most vivid remembrance to me is that knee-slapping laugh.He laughs deeply each time he laughs it seems as though it comes from a place so deep within him he almost falls over. Oh, the way he could laugh, it is a infectious laugh. If you did not know what he was saying, you laugh because he is laughing. Jimmy Jackson, the man with a green thumb, warm heart, and bright smile is gone but not forgotten. This is the world’s greatest gardener and I will echo Mr. Gilmore now God has a master gardener. Charles James Jackson we miss you, we love you rest in peace until we meet again.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

A Secret Weapon for Psychology Multiple Choice Questions

A Secret Weapon for Psychology Multiple Choice Questions Like most things, it's far better start at the start. No matter what type of test you're writing, your target is to rate your students' learning. There's an assortment of absolutely free pub quiz questions 2017 rounds with a great deal of varied questions for the entire family to answer, covering all kinds of categories that are fun, interesting and will help to improve your knowledge! Consider how impossible it's to multiply huge numbers in your head, but how simple it is on paper. Ok, I Think I Understand Psychology Multiple Choice Questions, Now Tell Me About Psychology Multiple Choice Questions! The greatest multiple-choice exams concentrate on the material, test students in an easy and straightforward way, and prevent pitfalls that could distract or mislead students. Eighteen kinds of assignments are discussed. In order to reach a better score, it's important to comprehend the way the different concepts and topics of psychology relate to one another, which will enable you on the FRQs together with the multiple choice section. You'll have learned the majority of the material by the center of the second semester, which means you will be capable of using practice tests to judge your skills more accurately. Psychology Multiple Choice Questions - Is it a Scam? If you would like a copy of the questions only, print only the very first page. The answers list is extremely easy to access so if you discover any of the questions somewhat tricky, just click the answers link! All questions are going to be a multiple choice format. The introductory questions which you ask ought to be simple, pleasant and interesting. Whenever you have answered all of the multiple choice questions, return and review your answers. Multiple choice questions also arrive in many diverse formats. A multiple answer question must include a very clear question and a set of potential alternatives. On longer tests, there are frequently questions or answers which will help you answer a few of the questions you didn't know. You won't have the ability to move onto the completely free response section until the 70 minutes are up anyway, so when you have spare time you should use it. Although studies of people with brain damage can give a lot of information regarding brain function, it's limited because many people with brain damage have a tendency to get a significant number of cognitive troubles. For instance, the very first response is labeled with an A and so forth. Some individuals claim that multiple-choice tests can be beneficial for measuring whether students may analyze material. Cognitive neuroscientists have started to examine recall and recognition memory also. Tests ought to be constructed to teach. Practice tests are a few of the very best review tools for AP Psychology. Such questions serve to check the learners' judgment abilities or comprehension of an in-depth subject. 100 multiple choice questions isn't a simple endeavor, but nonetheless, it still possible for any student. So make sure to read all the choices before answering. When you have created your question choices, you can specify if you would like them to be shown in a specific order, or randomly shuffled. Related the point 4, always work to rule out any answers you know are not correct. It's fine to think about one for a small bit but in the event that you can't get it within just a little bit, go ahead. In the event you keep asking each detail, you're wind up asking survey questions that may seem off track. In order to be sure your tests are effective and accurate assessment tools, below are some things to bear in mind. The Chronicles of Psychology Multiple Choice Questions The pitch may be difficult sell to busy professors, however, at least at first. In recall, on the flip side, no potential answers are available (if you don't cheat) but need to be generated. Said owners aren't affiliated with Hence the answer is control condition. Pose a question rather than a statement. Ask the respondent only 1 question at a moment. Additionally if more questions on a distinct subject area or topic are requested to create a bigger sample then statistically their degree of knowledge for this topic is going to be reflected more accurately in the range of correct answers and final outcomes. By way of example, always exchange the product, would suggest that the learner should provide an exchange under any conditions. Keep this in mind when you consider using more than 1 dropdown question in your survey. The new choice is going to be added to the bottom of the existent list of alternatives. You may change your solution by merely clicking on another alternate. In the event the suitable answer doesn't jump out at you right away, see if you're able to eliminate a few of the options as definitely erroneous.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Confucianism and Judge Dee - 1446 Words

Confucianism and Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee Celebrated cases of Judge Dee, a detective novel which describes crime cases which happened in China during the Tang Dynasty, in the 7th Century. In the book Judge Dee is a well known magistrate of Chang Ping, whom and is famous for solving crime and maintaining justice, particularly amongst common the Chinese People. In the book, Judge Dee is faced with three murders. As Judge Dee begins solving the crimes, the story unfolds slowly and presents historical, social, legal, philosophical and even religious pictures of ancient China. Tang Dynasty China was a period in which society was strongly influenced by Confucianism, due strongly to the previous influence of the Han Dynasty. These†¦show more content†¦Djou failed to be a mother and here, failed to be a daughter in law. At the end of the case, Judge Dee sentences Mrs. Djou to a painful execution for murdering her husband and having an affair with another man. Mr. Hsu is sentenced to strangulation because he took part in the crime of having a affair with Mrs. Djou. However, there is another person who gets punished, Doctor Tang, Mr. Hsu’s teacher. Dr. Tang is the host teacher of the private school, and lives with all his students, taking charge in the supervision of his pupils. During the tribunal, Judge Dee told Doctor Tang, â€Å"You, a man of wide learning and many years experience, have failed miserably in your duties as a tutor. The crime of adultery took place in your house, and, as it were, under your very eyes†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.you are strictly forbidden ever again to engage in the teaching of students.† [4]The Judge then proclaims to Mrs. Bee(though does not in fact punish her), â€Å"You failed in your duty of supervising the conduct of your daughter-in-law, and consequently two heinous crimes were committed in your house.†[5] This relates again to the Confucian theory of right relationships. The elderly should play his/her role as an older person in the Chinese society, or else the society will go without order, and though Mrs. Bee doesn’t get punishment, the words Judge Dee says clearly portray interpersonal relationships in Chinese society. Throughout the story the concept of right relationships is so importantShow MoreRelatedThe Philosophies of Judge Dee Essay1715 Words   |  7 PagesCelebrated Cases of Judge Dee tells of a district magistrate of Chang-Ping in the T’ang Dynasty named Judge Dee Goong An, famous for his ability to solve mysterious cases. This is simple enough, except it is immediately evident to the reader that Judge Dee is not just a normal magistrate content with solving a case – it is easy to see that he always digs deeper. His success is unparalleled in the land, his actions laid out without a single corrupt thought or a lax view. What makes Judge Dee so effectiveRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee1409 Words   |  6 Pages The book Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee takes place in the Tang Dynasty in a region of China called Chang-ping. The time in which the book took place was a very Confucian society due to the resurrection of the Confucian Educational System. This society emphasized beliefs such as the importance of the government, education, filial piety, and the 5 relationships. It believed that the gentleman was the embodiment of all these characteristics and was held to the highest standards. Legalism was the practicedRead MoreThe Willow Pattern By Robert Van Gulik Essay928 Words   |  4 Pages In his murder novel, The Willow Pattern, Robert Van Gulik chronicles the work of the semi-fictional historical figure Judge Dee: a statesman and detective of the Tang court. In the midst of a mysterious plague that had overtaken the capital city of Chang’an Judge Dee seeks answers to the murder of two wealthy aristocrats. Over the course of his endeavors, he encounters many attributes and acts characteristic to the Tang Dynasty. DESPITE THE FICTIONAL NATURE OF HIS NOVEL, GULIK PAINTS A HISTORICALLYRead MoreThe Efficacy Of The Magistrate Judge Dee Essay2537 Words   |  11 PagesKyle Uemura Judge Dee Essay Ted DD The Efficacy of the Magistrate Judge Dee The Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee is a detective novel about Magistrate Judge Dee, a Confucian scholar, who effectively solves three challenging cases in the early seventh century A.D. The story is set in the Shantung Province during the Tang dynasty, which is seen in the eyes of many Chinese as the most successful of the dynasties, having prevailed for three hundred years under the leadership of Confucian scholars. Chinese